Saturday, 23 July 2016

[Back Again] Flipkart App Refer And Earn Free Gift Vouchers (Unlimited Trick Added) - July 2016

Hi Readers, We are again back with another referral  program. Yes! the flipkart app referral program.
The Flipkart App is again back with one another referral program. In this new referral contest you can refer your friends to Flipkart and can earn Rs.25 per referral.
You can refer friends and earn Max.75 per account / ID. So, you can earn a total of Rs.100 from each account. Rs.5 as signup bonus and Rs.75 as referral bonus for referring 3 friends
So, Hurry up follow the below steps and earn free vouchers from flipkart 

Steps To Earn Vouchers From Flipkart App :-
1. Firstly download / update Flipkart App from playstore – CLICK HERE
2. Install and open app
3. Now enter your Mobile number and verify using one-time password
4. Now select menu from the top right corner and select the ” invite and earn ” option
5. Then click on the banner “Got an invite code from friend?”

6. After that enter referral code : uw4fuu [To get Rs.25 gift voucher]
7. Now purchase anything above Rs.100 from Flipkart
8. After purchase, you will get Rs.25 voucher
9. To get your voucher, click on “Rewards” option and there you get your Gift voucher
10. Now start referring your friends and earn free gift vouchers
Note : Some users are not able to find referral code / refer and earn option on app. Those old users kindly check notifications of last year referral contest and new users check the new notification. Click on that notification and you will be redirected to the refer and earn page on app / will get your referral code. See below attached screenshot

Steps To Refer And Earn :-
1. Open Flipkart App and click on options
2. Then select the invite and earn option

3. Now copy your referral code and share with friends

4. Per referral you will get Rs.25
5. You can earn Rs.75 from each account
6. Your friend should complete first purchase to get referral bonus
7. Your friend also get Rs.25 when he completes his first purchase
8. Purchase amount should be above Rs.100 to get referral bonus

Frequently Asked Questions
How does ‘Invite & Earn’ work ?
Invite your friends to install the Flipkart App. Once your friend installs the app and log-in to the App, both of you get a Rs. 25 discount off a minimum purchase of Rs. 100. Please note that your friend should use your invite code after installing the Flipkart App. If you have not used the Flipkart App before, you can earn this discount by using a referral code shared by a friend.

What are the conditions to earning this reward ?
Your friend has to install the Flipkart app and should be: New user who has never had a Flipkart account An Indian phone number should be linked to your friend’s account that has not been used with someone else’s account Your friend has installed the Flipkart app on a new device which was never used to download the Flipkart app. You must have a valid Flipkart account which has a valid Indian mobile number linked to it. This is a subset of the conditions and comprehensive details on the terms and conditions for this offer are listed below

How many rewards can I earn ?
You can earn upto 4 rewards (1 if you accepted someone else’s referral invite & 3 rewards for referring your friends). Each one of your referred friends would earn a reward themselves.

Unlimited Refer And Earn Trick :-

For Android device :

Here i will tell you how to use and make huge money with flipkart unlimited refer & earn Trick
1. 1st of all you need to have imei changer appDonkey guard app or android id changer app
2.  Now Download Flipkart App
3. Now Make New Account And Note Down Your Refer code
4. Now Go to phone setting and clear data and cache of flipkart app
5. Now Open IMEI changer and change IMEI of your Device
7. Done Open Flipkart app again and put unregistered mobile number and make signup
8. Go to invite & Earn option and put your original Refer code
10. Done you will get Rs.25 in both Ids
11. Repeat steps 4-9 again and again for unlimited flipkart trick

For Bluestacks users :
1. Download from your link and sign up and enter your refer code.

2. Now uninstall flipkart and chnage android device id and GUID and google advertising id.

3. Repeat 1st and 2nd for unlimitedloot.

Tags:- flipkart refer and earn, flipkart refer and earn 2016, flipkart refer and earn july 2016, flipkart refer and earn unlimited trick, flipkart unlimited trick,